
Program of 6 days / 5 nights

10/12 women

Travel with a companion


Private minibus the whole trip

Fjord Cruises and Flam Train

Private tours and guide

accommodation, breakfast and 3 prices

Travel insurance with cancellation

Landscapes that take away the hiccups, vertigo viewpoints, panoramic roads, charming towns, waterfalls, glaciers and much more. A tour of the Norwegian Fjords from Bergen to Alesund that you will fall in love with!!

We are going to NORWAY! As always, in a small group of maximum 12 women, We will do a route in a private vehicle and a guide in Spanish, visiting two of the most beautiful cities in the Fjords area, Bergen and Alesund, and on the way between these two cities, we will have 4 días completos y muy bién aprovechados, en los cuales veremos paisajes maravillosos, we will sail in boat through two of the most beautiful fjords in Norway, we will have a cheese tasting in Undredal, We'll go on the Flam train, we will visit a Glacier, we will see waterfalls and we will be able to climb the impressive cable car of Loen, among others.

Volaremos hasta Bergen y volveremos desde Alesund para aprovechar al máximo el tiempoy no tener que hacer más kilómetros de vuelta a Bergen.

DAY 1.

at the agreed time, we will meet at Barcelona airport to catch our flight to Bergen, with a short layover in Oslo.

At the arrived, a private vehicle will wait for us to take us to the hotel. Free dinner and night in Bergen.

DAY 2.

Breakfast at the hotel and then the guide will receive us at the hotel reception for a visit around Bergen for approx 2h.

Bergen is the gateway to The Fjords and one of the most beautiful cities in Norway. Linked to Viking culture, it has retained its small-town charm thanks to its UNESCO-listed waterfront gingerbread houses, the cobbled sidewalks and red roofs of the old town that shine in the sun. The city has preserved old wooden houses, located on the slopes of the mountains. During the city tour, we will see: Lthe Torre Rosenkrantz, built in the 16th century, which was both a defensive structure and the residence of the ruler of the city, King Haakon's Castle, the Church of Santa Maria, the oldest building in the city and one of the oldest churches in the country, we will walk through it embarcadero de Bryggen, a picturesque place with old multicolored wooden houses, that today house shops, museums, cafes and restaurants. We will immerse ourselves in the bustle of the market of fish the mountains, where there is a wide variety of products from the North Sea and where you can try lobsters and crabs, seafood, cod and saithe, king crab or the famous dried cod. The guide will show us the starting point of the Floibanen funicular at the end of the tour and we will take the funicular to the most popular viewpoint in Bergen.

After the visit to Bergen, The trip will begin in our vehicle next to the Fjord Hardanger. Your first stop is the cascade Steinsdalsfossen. behind its mighty stream, a path has been drawn that will take us beyond the waterfall, which will allow us to see it from an unusual angle.

On the way through picturesque Hardanger, we will go to the cozy city of Eidfjord. We will cross the fjord on one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world, inaugurated in 2013, he puente Hardangerbrua. On the way, we will pass through the narrow and stepped valley of Mobodalen from Eidfjord to the meseta de Hardangervidda, the largest mountain plateau in Europe. The national park of the same name is also located here, where many wild animals and polar birds live, including rare reindeer species, arctic foxes and snowy owls. We will stop at the famous waterfall Voringsfossen, whose height of free fall is 145 meters. Dinner and overnight at our hotel in Eidfjord.

DAY 3.

After breakfast at the hotel, Today we will explore the famous Dream Fjord! El Sognefjord, bordered by steep rocky shores, It is the longest fjord in Norway. (204 km). one of its branches, Naeroyfjord, It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is known as the narrowest fjord in the world: its width at its narrowest point is only 250 meters.

Our first stop will be the singular cascade Skjervsfossen, separated by a bridge. Its double jets fall from a height of 150 m. The upper level is a steep descent of about 70 m high, and the lower level is located directly below the road.

Then, on the way to voss, we will stop at the tvindefossen waterfall. We will have the opportunity to get up close and climb its various ledges, and take memorable photos.

Then we'll take a train from Voss to Myrdal. We changed trains and left Myrdal for Flam.

We will do the tour in the Flam train, one of the most beautiful railways in the world! The train journey takes place among the wild and beautiful landscapes of Norway. Throughout the journey of 20 kilometres, we can see rivers that cut deep gorges, waterfalls, rugged rocky mountains with snow-white peaks and mountain farms clinging to the slopes at dizzying heights. The inclination of the standard gauge Flam Railway is more than 80% of the whole line, which corresponds to an elevation of more than one meter for each 18 track meters. The spiral tunnels that run through the mountains are engineering masterpieces that have entered the history of Norwegian railways. We will have a stop at the Kjosfossen waterfall, where we can get off the train and take some photos to remember, and if you're lucky, see the mythical inhabitant of these magical places, the mythological Huldra.

We will arrive at the small town of Flam, located on the shores of fiordo Naeroy and we will our first cruise! through the fjord with cheese tasting in Undredal.

during the cruise, the ship will pass through the idyllic fjord Aurland and the narrowest and most picturesque part of the Sognefjord.

The mountains surrounding Naeroy rise up and create a special atmosphere. during the cruise, we will see charming little towns along the shores of the fjords and waterfalls that fall from the mountain peaks. We will leave the boat in the pequeño pueblo de Undredal, known for its traditional goat cheese. La presentación de la tradición del queso de cabra seguirá con un menú de degustación con queso de cabra local blanco y marrón, salami de cabra, crema agria, mermelada de moras, pan crujiente y jugos de frutas locales.

Al final del crucero, cogeremos de nuevo nuestro vehículo para dirigirnos al Fiordo Lustra siguiendo la carretera de nieve de alta montaña, a través del túnel de carretera más largo del mundo, el túnel Laerdal. Terminaremos el día en el pueblo de Laerdal. Dinner and accommodation at our hotel.

DAY 4.

Desayuno en el hotel y hoy conduciremos hasta el Fiordo Nordfjord, que se extiende 106 km desde la isla de Husevagoy hasta el pueblo de Loen. El camino discurrirá a lo largo del lago Oldevatnet, ubicado en un estrecho valle rodeado de altas montañas. Con unos 12 kilómetros de largo, Oldevatnet se alimenta de las aguas derretidas del glaciar Briksdal, que contienen minerales disueltos que tiñen el lago de un rico color azul. Visitaremos el majestuoso glaciar Briksdal, que es parte del Parque Nacional Jostedal. Desciende al valle desde una altura de 1200 m, creando asombrosas figuras de hielo. Aquí tendremos la oportunidad de caminar a lo largo de las montañas y cascadas hasta el glaciar (Es una caminata facil con una duración de 1:20h/1:30h aprox ida y vuelta) o utilizar los servicios de automóviles eléctricos (cargo extra de 30€).

Seguiremos hasta el encantador pueblo de Loen, ubicado a orillas del Nordfjord. Una vez en Loen, podremos subir al Loen Skylift. El teleférico de Loen sube 1011 metros en 5-7 minutes, hasta la cima del Monte Hoven. Here, he 20 de mayo de 2017, Queen Sonja inaugurated the Hoven Lookout. despite being so new, it has already gained popularity due to its beautiful views of one of the most picturesque Norwegian fjords, el Nordfjord, the glacier, the mountains and valleys of this region of Norway. We leave this activity as optional in case there are girls who don't feel like going up so high :-). Dinner and overnight at our hotel in Loen.

DAY 5.

Breakfast at the hotel. We will drive along the old Strynefjellet road on the way to Geiranger, passing through the mountain of Dalsnibba. Then we will stop at the mirador de Flydalsjuvet. Most of Geiranger's panoramic photos are taken from this location. Arrive to Geiranger and walk through this charming town. Then we will take a cruise on the Fjord de Geiranger in a classic boat (1 hour approx). El fiordo de Geiranger, rodeado de majestuosas montañas, es considerado laperla de los fiordos”. during the cruise, veremos las famosas waterfalls “Seven Sisters”, “Bride’s Veil” and “The Suitor. La cascada de lasSiete Hermanasrecibió su nombre debido a los siete arroyos por los que desciende la cascada desde una altura de 250 m. Según las leyendas locales, lashermanasbailan juguetonamente en la montaña, y la cascadaEl Pretendientecoquetea con ellas en el lado opuesto del fiordo. La cascada Bride’s Veil cae con gracia desde el borde del acantilado y, cuando la ilumina el sol naciente, se asemeja a un velo delgado sobre las rocas.

De camino a Alesund, tendremos varias paradas. Conduciremos por OrnevegenEagle Road o carretera del Águila, una serpenteante carretera de montaña con 11 increíbles vueltas. Nos detendremos en el mirador de Eagle Bend. El sitio cuelga directamente sobre el fiordo Geiranger y ofrece una impresionante vista panorámica del fiordo. Luego continuaremos a lo largo de una de las rutas más interesantes de Noruega, la montaña serpenteante Trollstigen, o carretera de los Trolls. De camino veremos el pueblo de Valldal. A pesar de la alta latitud, Valldal tiene un clima templado y es famoso por las cerezas, manzanas, frambuesas y fresas producidas a escala comercial. Cuando lleguemos a la cima del Trollstigen, pararemos en la plataforma de observación, que ofrece una vista magnífica de la serpentina. Los chorros de agua que bajan desde la parte superior de la cascada Stringfossen se precipitan hacia el pintoresco puente de piedra. Bajaremos por la Troll Road hasta el valle y haremos una parada cerca del Troll Wall o Trollveggen, que es el acantilado vertical más alto de Europa con una altura de unos 1000 m. Then, llegaremos a Alesund.

Visita a pie de Alesund. Alesund es la ciudad más hermosa del país según los noruegos. further, debido a la proximidad de la Corriente del Golfo, el clima aquí es muy templado. Hoy Alesund es el centro cultural de toda la región, alberga un festival de nueva literatura noruega y un festival de teatro. Here, he Art Nouveau ha encontrado su máxima expresión. Se encuentra simultáneamente entre 7 islas noruegas en un acogedor puerto del Océano Atlántico. Admiraremos a los representantes más brillantes del estilo Art Noveau, pasearemos por la calle peatonal Kongens y visitaremos la parte antigua de la ciudad, conservada después del incendio, Muloveien. Veremos numerosos monumentos que representan a los legendarios y valientes vikingos y al primer duque normando de Rollon, esculturas marinas dedicadas a la navegación y la pesca, así como uno de los símbolos de la ciudad: las estatuas de un pescador y un comerciante de arenques.

Cena por libre y alojamiento en el hotel de Alesund.


DAY 6.

Desayuno en el hotel y tiempo libre hasta la hora en que nuestro vehículo nos trasladará desde el hotel al aeropuerto de Alesund. Salida desde Alesund en nuestro vuelo hasta Barcelona, con escala en Oslo y fin del viaje.

Dates and times



Departure from Barcelona on the flight of 13:10h con llegada a Bergen a las 18:35h (Escala en Oslo)


Salida de Alesund en el vuelo de las 13:20until it's time to go to the airport 19:45h (Escala en Oslo)

What does the trip include?


Escort of the agency during the entire trip from Barcelona. This time I accompany you! Many of you already know me, I'm Laura, agency manager, la que organiza los viajes y siempre que puedo, también vuestra acompañante 😉

all transfers en los aeropuertos hasta el hotel con vehículo privado.

1st class vehicle privado en los 4 route days.

Local guide in Spanish durante los días del tour.

Funicular de Floibanen (Ida y vuelta)

Tren panorámico de Flam

Tren de Voss a Myrdal

Crucero por el Fiordo Naeroyfjord +

Menú con degustación de quesos en Undreal

Crucero por el Fiordo de Geiranger

The 3 cenas de las noches en ruta por los Fiordos

5 noches de alojamiento y desayuno en hoteles 3* and 4*

-1 noche en Bergen, Oleana Hotel (Bed and breakfast)

-1 noche en Eidfjord, Hotel Voringfossen (Media pensión)

-1 noche en Laerdal , Hotel Laerdal (Media pensión)

-1 noche en Loen, Hotel Loenfjord (Media pensión)

-1 noche en Alesund, Quality Hotel Alesund (Bed and breakfast)

Multi assistance Plus travel insurance of the Intermundial company with cancellation bonus.

*Travel insurance is optional, If you are not interested, the amount of the insurance will be deducted from the total price of the trip

Check the insurance conditions here: MULTIASISTENCIA_PLUS_



Flights (Yo los compro y gestiono por vosotras, you don't have to worry about anything)


Dos cenas (En Bergen y Alesund)

Teleférico de Loen Skylift (70€ ida y vuelta aprox.)

Any expense not specified in the program

Check the contractual conditions


DNI o pasaporte


2550€ / pax

*The price is calculated for a group of minimum 10 personas y máximo 12 people.

International flights are not included in the price

*I manage them for you at the time the group is completed and the price will be the one at the time of purchase (I will always inform you before the current price).

  • Only as a guide to date 04/02/202 They cost €475 with checked baggage and reserved seat

*You can consult me ​​at any time the price of the flights.

  • If you are already one “Supervisor” from the third trip, you have a 5% discount or a maximum of €80. On this trip the discount is €80!

Check the general conditions

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    I have read and accept the General conditions
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